Nisshin Yoki Initiatives

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ISO (Quality and Environmental Policies)

Quality Policy

We offer a stable supply of high quality products to fulfill our customers’ desires.

Conduct guidelines
  1. With our sights set on quality that will satisfy our customers’ demands, we provide clean and reliable drums. Furthermore, we continually strive to improve the efficiency of our Quality Management System.
  2. With all staff holding an enthusiasm for every aspect of the business, and by keeping in close contact with each other, the company will strive to maintain and improve quality to give our customers satisfaction.
  3. In the case of a claim, we will respond quickly and with sincerity. With thorough investigations into the cause and the adoption of preventative measures, we will aim for the occurrence of “0” claims.


ISO 9001 accredited

Nisshin Yoki Amagasaki Plant (1-4 Higashikaigan-cho, Amagasaki-shi, Hyogo)
Registration Number
Assessment Standards
JIS Q9001:2000/ISO9001:2000
Registration Date
April 13, 2000
Assessment Registration Institution
JIC Quality Assurance Ltd. (JICQA)
Scope of Registration
Design, development and manufacture of recycled 200ℓ open head drum cans and 200L compound containers
Scope of registration for related organizations
Osaka Sales Department

* ISO 9001establishes, documents, implements an maintains the organizational Quality Management System (QMS). Furthermore, it is a standard required for continuously revising the effectiveness of the QMS.

Environmental Policy

Basic Philosophy

Nisshin Yoki Co., Ltd. is dedicated to environmental protection and the formation of a recycle-oriented society. Each and every employee is forever conscious of keeping the earth clean and is part of a concerted effort to improve the environment through business activities that promote reuse and recycling.

Basic Policy
  1. The company shall set and regularly review environmental objectives and targets in order to accurately identify and reduce the environmental impact of business activities, while at the same time working to prevent environmental pollution.
  2. The company shall observe the stipulations of all laws, regulations and agreements concerning the relationship of business activities and the environment.
  3. The company shall effectively utilize limited resources through the reuse and recycling of industrial containers, and strive to properly treat and reduce waste.
  4. The company shall promote resource and energy conservation at all business locations and prioritize as much as possible environment-friendly products in our procurement practices.
  5. The company shall impart awareness activities to make employees more aware and skilled in environmental protection, and shall systematically provide education and training as demanded by the status of business activities.
  6. This Environmental Policy shall be published in environmental manuals, enforced as guidelines for environmental activities and made known to the entire workforce. Moreover, this Environmental Policy shall be separately disclosed to the general public in order to gain understanding of and cooperation in our environmental efforts.


ISO 14001 accredited

Nisshin Yoki Co., Ltd. (1-13-15 Ebie, Fukushima-ku, Osaka)
Registration Number
Assessment Standards
JIS Q14001:2004/ISO14001:2004
Registration Date
September 2, 2004
Assessment Registration Institution
JIC Quality Assurance Ltd. (JICQA)
Scope of Registration
Business activities relating to the manufacture of regenerated drum cans and recycling and sales of other industrial containers
Scope of registration for related organizations
Tokyo sales division, Amagasaki plant

* ISO 14001 is a standard required for creating a system [EMS Environmental Management System] to continuously implement revisions of environmental performance through corporate activities and reducing the burn of products and services on the environment.

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